So instead of announcing my recent publications one at a time, I'm dumping them all at once. I've got stories for children, stories for adults, stories for adult children, horrors, science fictionseses (wait, what's the plural for "science fiction"?), literary stories, short stories, flash stories, long stories, stories that are just right, written, auditory, digital, and, well . . . that's probably enough. You get the gist - stories for EVERYBODY!!!!
Let's start with Audible. They asked to produce a couple of my stories for a new short fiction series they're doing (NY Times article). And I think they did a pretty amazing job! Hired voice actors, designed covers, all that good stuff. They were even gracious enough to supply me with some samples to share with you. I know, right?!? So nice of them...
DEAD DOG can be purchased here.
ERASURE can be purchased here.

From the blurb: "The title, Memento Mori, is Latin and literally means: “Remember you too must die.” An ominous-sounding phrase, the saying derived from Puritan settlers who would often display tokens of death as a reminder to the living of the fragility of life…not to mention the eternal punishment awaiting those who wallowed in wickedness."

Next is SUN MELODY: A PLAGIARIZED LIFE, printed for the first time in Space and Time issue #126 (here).
About S&T: "Space and Time is a fifty-year-old publication that’s a must for true fans of Strange and Unusual fiction, poetry, and art. Readers can look forward to stories from the future stars of genre fiction intermingled with unique tales from pros like Jessica A. Salmonson, Norman Spinrad, Jack Ketchum, and Aliette de Bodard."

This one is about a troll named Brogdean. Brogdean is displaced into a world he doesn't understand when the bridge he lives under is unexpectedly bulldozed.